Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My experiments with SLR

Finally, I found some time to run away from everything and be alone and click snaps :)

Here are few snaps which I took at Hebbal lake last sunday. The snaps are the scanned version of the prints taken out of Analog SLR.. so, the clarity is not as good as its seen on the prints..

Some things I realised about photography after my first trip...
  • First of all have loads of patience to capture birds ;)
  • Eat well so that you'll have energy to walk around with big and heavy lenses, if possible carry a bottle of water or juice.
  • Do not wear slippers.. wear old shoes so that you can walk wherever you like.
  • Wear cargo pants or photographers' vest which has lots of pockets.. you will need them..
  • Carry a light-weight, yet strong tripod which can hold your camera and lens.. This might turn out to be more tedious if it had rained.. you wont like your tripod to get spoilt by putting it on the mud, but you still want good snaps .. so.. its a compromise.. may be carry it when it is a fully dry day..
  • To capture birds.. make sure you have a lens with good range.. 300mm or 400mm lens is definetely not enough :(
This one was one of the last few snaps I took just before leaving... Capturing dew drops is really very enjoyable.. the view itslef is so refreshing and the image will somewhat give you that freshnesss around

Capturing bee is bit tricky.. I tried so hard to get to focus when the bee flies and lands on the flower.. I missed it so many times and finally got an idea.. this is actually when the bee is flying off.. no one can make out ;)

This is probably the best snap.. but my zoom lens is not good enough to capture all the details of the bird.. I dont even know what bird it is :) I should probably start reading about birds so that I know what I'm shooting....

Long way to go... so many things to learn.. hope I have the patience to continue ...

Monday, November 06, 2006

nAanu hOdare hOdenu

Does the title sound wierd? It looks like one of the questions in our high school for the Sandharba sahita vivarisi, isnt it? Yes, definelty it is..

Some old kannada B&W movie was playing on the TV when i was getting ready for office today morning... It was Dr. Raj's movie, so I was more inclined to hear the dialogues than having my breakfast.. realised that it was Bhakta Kanakadasa movie, he was the one who protested against social evils like caste system, untouchability, etc. through his poems.

In the movie, a group of pandits headed by Vyasaraja and purandara dasa and many other pontiffs were discussing, what is moksha and who will attain it?

All the pontiffs explained and sort of conlcuded that you have to do lot of this and that and basically you need to be a brahmin to attain moksha.. when they asked kanakadasa , he said none of you guys, including purandara dasa and vyasaraja will attain moksha.. when asked about himself.. he said this - nAanu hOdare hOdenu .. This 3 words has world of meaning in itslef... it doesnt mean that 'I might go' or 'I might attain moksha'.. what he meant was

nAanu - aHankara, the egoism, selfishness etc within oneself
hOdare - if it goes
hOdenu - then I might go...

This is such a wonderful thought explained in just one sentence, rather just 3 words... Immediately after this.. there was this song.. kula kula kulavendu hodeDadadiri... this song deserves a post for itslef...