Sunday, January 08, 2006

What next?

He was relishing his dinner, watching his favorite sitcom, a phone call and few exchange of words made the dinner unfinished.. so were some of the journeys in his life... It was again one of those lonely nights where he keeps thinking Where did I go wrong?

He sat in front of his house staring at the deserted road and his dirty car, wierd thoughts in his mind and a sense of loneliness... a sort of feeling where he has everything he wanted but something fundamentally wrong or missing...

It was always like this, his ideas/thoughts never seemed to match the experienced elderly, now its even more when even his friends see him on the wrong side. As he lied down on his bed, with tears in his eyes, he wished it was his last sleep...


Arun said...

Wal, I did write it. Wish someone could read my mind and write, but thats not possible, right?
Thanks for the encouraging words!

Anonymous said...

Y what happened ??
I dont like a bit when ur upset..
Man there are many people who go through the same thing as urs, but they either get used to it or rather find a way of getting out of it, i guess u shld take the second option. I do agree with Mr/Ms Will_U that we need start every day with a new hope..Believe me there are plp around u who really care for u ..

Keep Smiling,


Anu said...

hey arun, cheer up! What w_u says is absolutely right... it's never as bad as it seems... it will only get better, there is always a new morning, a new beginning...

Arun said...

[DD/Anu/Sandhya]: Thanks, I'm back to normal now :)
[W_U]: New cofe shop @ Amber? I miss window shopping at Santana Row :) Ya.. If things go well, I'll be there in mar end for a few weeks, lets see :D

Anonymous said...

Hello W_U .. y dont u think that 2 people may have the same writing style!!
So u hate plp who hide themselves .. so in that case u must be hating urself..Just chill ..
(PS: I signoff my message with my name)

Keep Smiling,