Friday, January 26, 2007

50 days to go!

The wait will be over in just 50 days... The lights will go off again and its race time!!

But, will F1 be the same without Schumi? I dont think so... Whatever be the case, may be he used to bore us by not letting others win or he used to never give up and always had to make his presence felt in each and every race.. F1 == Schumi and Schumi == F1.. things will never be the same again, unless.. he decides to come back ;)

Now my dilemma is whom to support? I used to support Schumi (becoz he is THE GOD), Montoya (becoz he used to be with BMW, which hp sponsored) and then our very own NK from India.. but now.. no one is there !! :( Anyways.. I will stick to support Schumi's team even though if he isnt there.. So,.. GO KIMI GO!! :)

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