Loads of pending work, laziness and of course married life caught me and so not able to write as often as I used too.. Anyways, some incidents which i found funny/interesting.. so jotting them down... I donno why now-a-days I like to write movie reviews...
Had been to watch ... rather was forced to watch ;) the first ever desi superhero.. I wonder who gave this name? Probably people who have never seen a super hero.. this reminds me of a line from
Friends, when Chandler has been transfered to Tolsa (i donno if I spelt it right, anyways..) comes and tells Monica -
Do you know that Tolsa is called the Paris of Oklahoma? and she asks who, he says
People who have never been to paris .. hahaha.. ok.. back to Krishh.. A must watch movie! Amazing stunts, music, story, everything is soooo crappy! So, What does our desi superhero use his powers for? To save his dad and girl friend from the bad guy.. Oh ya.. he did save one boy from being run over by a bus on the Singapore roads...Wow thats cool! One more interesting fact is that out superhero gets all designer dothis and kurtas in the remoooote village!
Yaa Ali
What a song!! Really how can these lyricist and music come up with such amazing words and tunes? Ya.. i have to accept that i dont compeltely understand meaning of the complete song.. but will surely get it one day.. This is the song in loop in my room, car and ipod now :)
Watched each and every match of world cup (from quarters) and my hero is ZZZZZidane!! Ya ya.. there are already some management stories floating around saying.. see Italy..they played with
team effort and hence they won the world cup.. I totally disagree.. they were plain lucky..thats it! Really cant understand what made Zidane throw up the match and his career that way.. anyways.. whatever he did, I'm sure he would've done in his complete sense.