And so herez another blog on movie review... I'm getting carried away by writing on movies.. or rather I dont have anything else to write :)

The tractor tipping was the most hilarious part.. And some dialogues are ultimate..
Filmore says: I'm tellin' ya, man, every third blink is slower.

Though the story is not as strong as Incredibles or Finding Nemo, the movie is defintely worth to watch because of the so much imagination and thought which has gone into it to make it.
Very few mistakes done either by the crew or the characters in the movie.. L McQ will race with rear view mirrors as suggested by Mator.. but then the position of the mirror is impossible for L McQ to see the rear..
If you are crazy about cars, its a must-watch movie.. you can infact to relate to so many aspects or dialogues which you'll enjoy more. And if you are F1 fan.. then no doubt you'll love the movie!!
don't like cars, with $3.25 a gallon.
dude...wt hppd to you after marriage??
What happened? nothing ;)
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