Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Makes me feel good...

Just browsing thro' old mails and look what I found...

A list of what my team thinks of me, on the day I completed 5 years @ HP!!

• For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow (pause), and so say all of us And so say all of us, and so say all of us
• Obsessed with Calvin & Hobbes. He used to love Susie too, but then he got married. :)
• The best person to team up with if you have a Prank in mind.
• He is very particular about the fashionable clothes and designer hair styles.
• Loves cars and a die hard foodie. Nobody gets more excited when you mention a new car or a new restaurant in town. :)
• The irony to the above is how much he loves to drive his family around.
• Life of the party, he is someone who is missed when not present on special occasions, be it a team lunch or a colleague's wedding.
• Techno-freak and Bhavani Bangle Store is where he shops - EVERY WEEKEND.
• Gregarious is the word, having captured the hearts of Bangaloreans, he is poised to capture the world.
• Team eagerly awaits the trivia every Tuesday rather than in his weekly report and promptly deletes his WSR reminder emails.
• Disappointment and jealousy was evident on the faces of SNIL women the day he announced his engagement with Lakshmi.
• Metro-sexual male even up to the point where women consult him for beauty tips.
• As the patent coordinator for the team he asks for new patents/idea every day, and in this front he leads by example.
• He is trendy, at the same time conservative. This makes him understand a wide variety of people and get into everyone's good books.

Definitely makes me feel good!! any time, any day :)


Anu said...

hey, cool! you seem to be very popular! It must be a wonderful feeling to know that you are liked by those around you :)

Arun said...

Hi Anu, Yep, I am :) Wish there was an election for PM post instead of promotions :))