Friday, October 14, 2005


Zindagi mein koyi kabhi aaye na rabba
Aaye jo koyi toh phir jaaye na rabba
Dene ho gar mujhe baad mein aansoo…
Toh pehele koyi hasaaye na rabba

This song from Musafir has caught me...
everytime I hear this, eyes are clouded with tears...

why do we meet people?
why do we become friends?
why do we have such wonderful time?
why do we get attached?
and why do we have to say goodbye?

all these make me feel life is predestined!!


Anonymous said...

ellidde illii tanaka
ellinda bandyavva

ninna kandu nanyake

nooraru gavuda bandiddey kanavva
bandilla ansittu...nodidarey....



Arun said...

hahahaha i had almost forgotten that song.... :D

Anu said...

whenever I hear that song, I remember Amit Sana singing it beautifully in Indian Idol :)

Arun said...

Amit Sana sang this song?? ayoooo i missed it.... I just watched last few rounds of Indian Idol :(

Anonymous said...

why do we meet people?
To understand the diversity
why do we become friends?
Because of frequency match
why do we have such wonderful time?
because we cannot have bad time when friends are together
why do we get attached?
So that u dont get detached with them
why do we have to say goodbye?
U have to say goodbye so that u have pleasure of meeting them again :).

DD ;)